Collection of passion projects that have brought me endorphins

Studio Bubby

After a roundabout journey of discovering a desire to freely create outside of the confines of work, I created a small studio in 2022 named Studio Bubby. "Bubby" was our tiger mascot, meant to inspire channeling one's inner child when creating. Through Studio Bubby, I created four collections of work, some of which are pictured below:

Calendar 2021

After hearing Keetra Dean Dixon speak during the winter of 2020, I was struck by her process-oriented work, and especially one of her philosophies she calls 'making through breaking'. Inspired by Keetra, my mindset for this project was to trust the process and break my own habits of anticipating the final result. All art on this calendar was made from happy accidents, with spaces born from lines, and shapes from the removal and breaking of spaces.


A small coding project using Javascript, jQuery, HTML5, CSS3 to create a symbol-based diary of emotions.

The People's Ballot

Shortly before the 2020 elections, I had the opportunity to join a collective of people of color working in the fields of law, education, healthcare, art, and design named The People's Ballot. Our goal was to provide accurate, transparent, and concise information to young voters about the 2020 California Election Propositions, centering the needs of marginalized communities. Our final deliverables were presented through Instagram posts @thepeoplesballot; here are some of the visuals I had the privilege to contribute:


“Mindset” by Carol Dweck is a book on the growth and the fixed mindsets—and how practicing the growth mindset through something as simple as wording can have enormous impact on our ability to improve ourselves as human beings. With this in mind, I created a poster and book cover rendition to depict the growth mindset through the combination of copy, typography, and visual design. I utilized Leonhard Laupichler's Arachne typeface because I wanted to communicate strength and determination through its sharp, pointy edges, and human imperfection through its playful strokes.

Illustrations & Art Explorations

Illustrations & other art explorations I've made over the last couple years for myself or my loved ones.